

Telecommunication industry is highly competitive and complex. Additionally, they face huge competition to increase revenues, tap new opportunities and sustain in competitive environment. The sector needs an integrated approach that supports the decision making process and gives measurable results.

RNK provides GIS services that helps our clients to capture, manage, analyze and display spatial data that enables in solving complex problems. We generate data in the form of digital city models consisting information related to height of the buildings and type of land-use/land-cover with use of high-resolution images for micro-cellular network planning and line of sight studies. 

Our solutions include DEM/DTM, Land Use/Clutter, Vector/Linear databases, 3-D building heights and off-the-shelf geo-data products, at varying levels of details, resolution and accuracy

We generate a complete set of accurate data with an intelligent and integrated approach. This data is best aid in network planning and expansion, analysing customer trends, designing and tracking marketing campaigns.